The solicitations have been sent. Twelve strangers, all invited to a secluded house in the Lake District. All thoroughly guilty, of course. The research is impeccable. We've spared no expense -- a fully stocked bar, a lavish dinner, and by the end of their sojourn? An iron-clad guarantee of their just deserts.

And Then There Were None is a boutique Nordic-inspired larp for twelve players, set in the 1930s and inspired by Agatha Christie's classic novel. It is intended to allow players to experience the world within an archetypal whodunit: tweed suits and fur collars, the radio playing jazz and big band music, a decanter of claret or shaker of martinis standing ready on the sideboard.

This is a game about revenge, regret, and the inevitability of death. You can try and figure out who's plotting your murder or spend your time settling your own scores, but your character cannot escape their fate. There will be no reprieve.

About the Game

You can find practical information about the game below. Rather than spend time writing extensive documentation for what is a very small larp, we've tried to present the most critical information and invite you to contact us for further information or clarifications.

We do have our safety document online, and a small statement on diversity in our game. We also have a statement about accessibility at the venue.

~ Run 1 ~
  • Aug 20th-22nd, 2022
    Saturday to Monday
~ Run 2 ~
  • Aug 24th-26th, 2022
    Wednesday to Friday
~ Cost ~
  • £400, all-inclusive
    Some £200 subsidized tickets available
~ Team ~
  • Suus Mutsaers
    Chris Bergstresser
~ Day 1 ~
  • 11am: Arrival
    11am-noon: Transport to pub
    noon-3pm: Pub Lunch & Workshops
    3-3:45pm: Costumes
    3:45-4pm: Transport to Venue
    4pm: Game On
    7pm: Dinner
~ Day 2 ~
  • 8am: Breakfast
    noon: Lunch
    5pm: Game Off
    7pm: Dinner
    8pm: Afterparty
~ Day 3 ~
  • 8am: Breakfast
    10am: Leave venue
~ Location ~
~ What's included ~
  • Transport to and from venue from train
    Lodging for 2 nights
    Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
    Formal in-game dinner
    Wine and cocktails
~ Contact ~
  • If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us.